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[vc_custom_heading text=”Actualités”]

Does your company offer you the opportunity to receive mental health support through the Brio employé.es assistance program? Please know that I am a service provider to Brio.

Are you or have been a victim of a crime and are entitled to IVAC (the compensation fund for victims of crime)? I am a service provider with IVAC for psychosocial mandates.

Have you experienced an accident at work that requires psychosocial rehabilitation? You may be entitled to the CNESST and in this context, you may be able to benefit from my services.

If you have private insurance with your employer, know that I issue receipts for insurance purposes as a social worker. You only have to check with your insurer to find out if it covers this type of professional.

[vc_custom_heading text=”Nouveaux/velles client.es”]

If you are looking for a social worker to accompany you whether individually or as a couple, know that I take new client.es.

I invite you to write me an email in which you will write your name, phone number and a brief description of the type of service you are looking for and the problem for which you wish to consult.

Note, however, that I may refer you to another service if I feel that I am not the right person to respond to your request.

I do not take children under the age of 14.

Recent Comments


    Emma Nys, travailleuse sociale / Social Worker
    [vc_custom_heading text=”Mandats d’inaptitude”]

    Please note that I do not do psychosocial assessments in the context of protective supervision, the mandate given in anticipation of incapacity and other protective measures for persons of full age.

    [vc_custom_heading text=”Pour quel type de problème pourriez-vous recourir à mes services ?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%233d6e8d” css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22color%22%3A%22%233d6e8d%22%7D%7D”]
