This approach considers the interactions between the various oppressions that a person can experience, be it sexism, racism, capitalism, heterosexism or capacitism. The intervention will be adapted to the reality of each one, without judgment of these realities, while recognizing the privileges that each person has according to his physical, social, cultural, sexual characteristics…
The systemic approach considers the individual according to his or her history, family, environment and social structures in which he or she gravitates. Problems are therefore not the sole fruit of individuals themselves, but they are part of systems. I work on the interaction of these systems and their impacts on individuals and groups of individuals in society.
The feminist approach aims to develop women's capacity to act and support them in regaining power over their own lives. Enabling women to regain their power offers a more egalitarian perspective for all. Men who are not in the norm can also benefit from the feminist approach, since they themselves are victims of systems of oppression such as patriarchy.
Creativity is a powerful engine of transformation. That's why I use creative tools such as drawing, writing, body movements in my interventions… These techniques allow to channel difficult emotions and express conscious and unconscious wounds. I also use mindfulness exercises that aim to keep as much of a contact as possible with the person's immediate experience.
Pleine conscience
Mindfulness is the ability we have to be in contact with our interior, as well as the outside world, without issuing judgment. Used as an intervention, it generates self-compassion and reduces anxiety.